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Travis McMullen

Focus. Home gym. Coffee walks

Hi Reader,

Happy Friday. The sun is out and we are gearing up for a great couple of days. The weather is getting cooler. We are out on daily coffee walks.

These are the moments to enjoy. A cool breeze. The sunrise. Time with others. Laughter. An early morning coffee. These great ordinary moments are a powerful and simple way to start the day.

I’ve begun building a home gym as part of my quest to put more time towards family and health. It will eliminate travel time and give me more flexibility. I can do some squats and then answer emails. Do bench press, change my daughter’s nappy, then do another set. Being at the gym removes this flexibility. I aim to make this time work better for me.

I’m getting a bench tomorrow (already have adjustable dumbbells, gym mates and a weight storage rack). Then I will need a squat rack, bar and associated weights to complete the setup.

I’m looking forward to experimenting with different splits, exercises, and days of training.

Now that I’m a dad, I’m thinking more about the duties and responsibilities I have. Apart from extra time to spend with family, I want to be fitter and healthier. An example my daughter can look to.

One idea I’ve been thinking about is making sure we are optimising for the right things. This was part of the Modern Wisdom podcast with Tim Ferris as the guest. There are lots of things we can do, so our focus must be on what matters to us. It’s easy to be pulled in different directions.

For me, that involved the decision to build a home gym and be conscious of where and how I am spending my time.

Similarly, we can be conscious of risk when trying or changing things. Many decisions are two-way doors. They can be reversed. Add in an extra workout and see how it goes. In a creative or business context, this could even be publishing one less podcast conversation or reducing the frequency of new lines and seeing what happens. This is a good idea if you want to focus your time elsewhere.

They also had a great discussion on books to read. Red Rising is one of my favourite series so I’m always stoked when it gets a mention.

You can watch the conversation on YouTube.

What are you focusing on at the moment? Let me know.

Travis McMullen

I help you level up. My writing focuses on life lessons and practical application. Amongst other things, I drink coffe, lift weights, watch anime, and love the outdoors.

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