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Travis McMullen

What's Essential?

Hi Reader,

Ekka has passed. The sun is out. We are two weeks away before winter ends, and we move into spring.

It’s time to think about the next season and areas of focus. Where do I want to aim? How do I progress in the right direction regarding the things that matter?

Thinking about what’s essential has been helpful.

Here’s my current list:

  1. Family time
  2. Exercise
  3. Eating well
  4. Seeing friends
  5. Morning coffee walks
  6. Self Development
  7. Community involvement
  8. Business building
  9. Good finances
  10. Household chores happening - laundry, mowing, vacuuming, things put away, DIY progressing.
  11. Reading/anime/gaming

We now have the behaviours and activities that will shape our character positively. For example, instead of spending hours on Netflix, I focus on quality family time and staying in shape, which makes me a better dad and a healthier person.

So, we must be deliberate about where and what we spend time on. This is why a list can help. We can audit the list frequency, ensure it’s aligned, and then check our actions and calendar to ensure we are on track. It’s a simple way to keep us accountable to ourselves.

This does need to be considered as part of the whole. I would need to give up a lot to be perfect in my fitness. I’d have to drastically reduce the number of items I want to focus on. That’s why I think about 80% when it comes to my fitness and nutrition.

Training for an adventure race? Rad, that also means that social time might drop for a few weeks as you get extra training sessions. It’s about the whole.

Taking on too much and expecting perfection in every area can lead to burnout, hindering personal progress and our ability to serve others effectively.

What’s essential is up to all of us to decide. While we might share common domains like fitness, well-being, community, and family, the specific priorities will be unique in our journeys.

Let’s make progress towards what matters to us.

What are you focused on at the moment? What's essential to you?

Travis McMullen

I help you level up. My writing focuses on life lessons and practical application. Amongst other things, I drink coffe, lift weights, watch anime, and love the outdoors.

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