
Travis McMullen

I help you level up. My writing focuses on life lessons and practical application. Amongst other things, I drink coffe, lift weights, watch anime, and love the outdoors.

Small Changes Can Bring Big Results

Hi Reader, Version one of my home gym setup is complete. I love it—a bench and adjustable dumbbells. Workouts are happening. I’m not worried about the time. I can pause as needed to help out with a nappy change. I can hang up some of the laundry while resting. That was something that was not possible when going to the gym. For me, the period to do a workout was too long for me to be away as a new dad. It was a simple change to move to a home gym. The effect was significant. I feel fantastic...

What's Essential?

Hi Reader, Ekka has passed. The sun is out. We are two weeks away before winter ends, and we move into spring. It’s time to think about the next season and areas of focus. Where do I want to aim? How do I progress in the right direction regarding the things that matter? Thinking about what’s essential has been helpful. Here’s my current list: Family time Exercise Eating well Seeing friends Morning coffee walks Self Development Community involvement Business building Good finances Household...

Winter is here

Hi Reader, The mornings are brisk. The puffy jacket is on during the morning walks. Life is great. It is my favourite season. It got me thinking about how things change over time. We lived in a one-bedroom apartment in the city a few years ago. Our morning walks took us along the river. On weekends, we were out on hiking adventures. A few years later, we were in the suburbs, and our walks followed streets around the neighbourhood and parklands as we built our own trails. Then, we added a pram...

Focus. Home gym. Coffee walks

Hi Reader, Happy Friday. The sun is out and we are gearing up for a great couple of days. The weather is getting cooler. We are out on daily coffee walks. These are the moments to enjoy. A cool breeze. The sunrise. Time with others. Laughter. An early morning coffee. These great ordinary moments are a powerful and simple way to start the day. Morning coffee walks I’ve begun building a home gym as part of my quest to put more time towards family and health. It will eliminate travel time and...

I help you level up. My writing focuses on life lessons and practical application. Amongst other things, I drink coffe, lift weights, watch anime, and love the outdoors.